We live in a fast-paced, noisy, and social setting. At the same time, it’s possible to feel completely alone. We spend our time in busy places, surrounded by busy people and we do not feel heard or even understood.
Well, loneliness is one of the common experiences in human life, but that doesn’t mean we should embrace it as our default.
when left unchecked, loneliness can be harmful to your emotional and physical well-being. According to some studies, loneliness is just as harmful to human health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

Here are 5 things you should do if you ever feel lonely.
1. First of all, accept that you are lonely
Don’t waste your time battling your emotions or attempting to control them.
Everybody experiences loneliness sometime in their life. Always remember that feeling lonely does not imply that you are a loser or a bad person. It simply indicates that you are a normal person. Labeling the emotions has been shown in studies to reduce their severity.
Putting a name to your loneliness may help your mind sort out how you’re feeling and quickly make you feel a little less lonely.
2. Allow yourself to make new connections.
Connection is the complete opposite of loneliness. So try to make new connections.
Say hello to your next-door neighbor. Give your regular grocery guy a friendly smile. Accept human interaction of any sort that comes your way. No matter how insignificant, new connections are always worthy and meaningful.
3. Reconnect with Friends and Family from Your Past
It’s easier than you think to reconnect with old companions than it is to make new ones. Maybe you have a cousin that you don’t communicate with, or you put some distance between your college roommate over time. You can contact them to see how they’re doing. Discuss how you’d like to re-establish your bond with them. Since you already have lots in common, you will find it easy to reconnect with past schoolmates, former colleagues, or people from your old neighborhood. Use social media to reach out to them. However, make an effort to engage over the telephone call or video call, or meet them face to face. Re-connecting with these people will make you feel less lonely in your life right away.
4. Learn some new things
Being excited about what you’re learning will make you feel better, whether it’s a new skill or a new language course. It will also provide you opportunities for interaction with new individuals. You could also begin reading a book to develop a better understanding of how other people think and also to feel more related. You have the choice of reading self-help books or listening to an audiobook. You could make books and learning your new best companion.
5. Write down your qualities
Think of the qualities you admire in yourself and try to write them down. Hundreds of things will come to your mind on certain days, but sometimes nothing, which is perfectly fine. Just make a decision to think sincerely and write. Make this list and express your gratitude. Now whenever you’re feeling down, read this list again and again. Self-love is described by the ability to enjoy one’s own business.

In case you’re still feeling lonely after reading my blog and you don’t have a clue what else to do, you should seek the advice of a mental health professional; this will undoubtedly assist you in dealing with loneliness in a safe manner.